Posted April 19, 2022 in Blog

Chemical peels may not be one of the newest anti-aging and skin-perfecting treatments, but they’re one of the best ones. Aestheticians and dermatologists continually rely on Chemical Peel Enhancement and their exfoliating capabilities to address many skin concerns because they work and work well.
Although chemical peels are commonly used on the face, they work equally well on the skin on the chest, neck, and hands.
Here’s everything you need to know about a chemical peel and why. If you don’t do chemical peels regularly, you’ll want to make them a staple in your skincare routine since they leave the skin glowing and smooth like nothing else.
How they work
A chemical peel enhancement procedure is used in a controlled injury process to push the skin into recovery mode. Applying a skin-safe acid to the skin speeds up the skin’s natural exfoliation rate to diminish breakouts, fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation while increasing collagen production.
What they use
A variety of different acids, from superficial and light exfoliators to deeper ones, are applied to the skin.
Anything from glycolic, lactic, and salicylic acids to the stronger TCA can be used on the skin.
Will I be red and flaky?
It depends on the acid used, how long it is left on the skin, and how deep it penetrates. Chemical peels incite a healing response, so inflammation and redness are common side effects.
The deeper the peel and the stronger the concentration and percentage of the acid, the more peeling and redness will occur. Also, the skin can feel tight, scaly, dry, or even swollen.
However, no matter what type of chemical peel is done, you should always wear sunscreen in the days following the treatment since a peel can render the skin more sensitive and reactive to sun exposure.
You’ll also want to keep your at-home skincare routine pretty bland and straightforward as the skin heals. Avoid retinol, acids of all kinds, and vitamins C and exfoliators.
Do peels sting?
Chemical peels are a fast refresh that removes the outermost layer of skin. You may feel some discomfort while the peel is on the skin before it is neutralized, but that shouldn’t last more than a few seconds to a minute or so. Some acids make the skin feel hot or ‘spicy’ while others feel like a mild tingle.