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How to Sleep Comfortably After Tummy Tuck Surgery


Posted September 18, 2024 in Tummy Tuck

The recovery process that comes after a tummy tuck is nothing to take lightly, and one of the best ways to power through it is by being as comfortable as possible. Sleep after a tummy tuck is crucial to returning to feeling like yourself, but sleeping right after the surgery is equally important. With drains and stitches in place, it’s important to sleep comfortably and minimize strain on the abdominal area to promote proper healing. That’s why sleeping the right way after a tummy tuck is key to getting back on your feet, and this is precisely what you’ll want to do.

Why It’s Important to Sleep the Right Way

Sleep after tummy tuck surgery is crucial as part of the recovery process, and you’ll want to sleep on your back with the upper body slightly elevated, just like how you will be instructed to walk at first. Sleeping in a comfortable and appropriate position minimizes tension on the incision, reduces discomfort, and supports proper healing, leading to better surgical outcomes.

The Most Comfortable Post-Tummy Tuck Sleeping Positions

While you’ll never want to sleep on your stomach while recovering from a tummy tuck due to the pressure it can place on the stomach and the incisions, there are several different positions and sleeping hacks you can follow so that you set yourself up for successful sleep after tummy tuck surgery. These are some popular ones to follow:

  • Sleep in a recliner. While it may sound silly, sleeping in a recliner chair allows you to easily get on your feet without any strain since the chair can go from a flatbed position to a standing one.
  • Sleep on your side or back. Initially, sleeping on your back with your upper body slightly elevated is recommended. Transitioning to side sleeping can be considered after a few weeks, once healing has progressed. Both positions alleviate pressure from the incision, reducing any discomfort.
  • Use several pillows. If you choose to sleep in your bed, which is perfectly fine, make sure to use several pillows and prop them up around you to maintain a bent position while sleeping. The extra pillows will give more comfort and cushion.
  • Sleep in the fetal position. Strange but true, sleeping on your side with your knees tucked is comfortable for tummy tuck patients in recovery mode. That’s because this position takes extra pressure off the back and incision area, allowing blood to circulate better throughout the body.
  • Try to stay in one position throughout the night. Since your movement is somewhat limited, turning from side to side won’t be nearly as easy when you sleep after a tummy tuck. It’s also best not to move around too much.

Sleeping on a soft, comfortable mattress after surgery will make for a more comfortable night’s sleep. If your mattress is hard, purchase an egg crate or mattress topper before your procedure (and set it up in advance, too) so that there’s less pressure on your body as you rest.

When getting into bed, it’s important to always climb into it in a bent-over position since the lower stomach, muscles, and skin are pulled tight into position. Extending supine too soon and before your doctor’s recommendation can compromise your results.

Practicing Sleep Hygiene

Getting a good night’s sleep after tummy tuck surgery may be a little difficult at first, so practicing good sleep hygiene is key to a successful night of shut-eye. You’ll want to ensure your bed is comfortable and outfitted with clean sheets, blankets, and pillowcases. Ask someone to help make your bed daily and change the sheets periodically.

You’ll also want to take all prescribed pain medication as instructed and leave any that need to be taken throughout the night by your bed. This way, you can easily take the medication without having to get out of bed. Follow any other nighttime routines as recommended by your surgeon, too.

It’s a good idea to get into bed at the same time every night and try to fall asleep by the same time every night, too. Try meditating or practicing deep breathing or other relaxation techniques to make it easier to fall asleep and relax your mind and body. Make sure to get into bed with dim lights and a comfortable temperature, and avoid going on your phone while attempting to fall asleep. Establishing a healthy sleep hygiene routine will make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep so that you feel well-rested in the morning.

When It’s Time to Sleep Normally Again

You won’t need to sleep on your side, back, or in a recliner forever, and after about six weeks or so, you should be able to resume your regular sleep position. It’s best to gradually ease back into how you usually sleep and, of course, with the green light from Dr. Brothers. Until you are told it’s okay to resume sleeping on your stomach (if you are a stomach sleeper), avoid doing so at all costs. 

Tummy Tuck Guide

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