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Saline vs. Silicone Breast Implants


Posted February 18, 2022 in Blog, Breast Augmentation

Breast Implant Shapes and Sizes

If you’re undergoing breast augmentation surgery with an implant, your plastic surgeon will have you choose between saline and silicone implants. While both types of implants are safe to use, they offer different results depending on what you’re looking for in shape, feel, and movement.

Silicone is King

While there’s no right or wrong implant filling agent, most women tend to go with silicone implants. Ever since silicone implants were put back on the market and made available to all women undergoing breast augmentation, silicone tends to prevail as the more popular choice because of the more natural look and feel it gives to the breast.

Silicone is a relatively inert polymer gel well tolerated by most women and poses little known allergies, reactions, or sensitivities. The silicone filler used in breast implants today is often called gummy bear silicone and resembles the thickness and cohesivity of the candy when stretched–it doesn’t leak or break should something happen. 

Unlike saline, silicone is denser, which resembles natural breast tissue more than saline. 

Saline is Still an Option

There are some advantages for women who opt for saline filler for their implants over silicone. First, saline is essentially salt water, so if the implant ruptures, any filler that potentially leaks out gets absorbed by the body with no implication or harm. Also, when using saline implants for some types of breast reconstruction procedures, your plastic surgeon can slowly adjust the size of the implant via a port that allows for the gradual increase of the watery liquid until reaching the desired size.

However, the major downside to using saline over silicone is its potential to wrinkle and ripple under the skin and cause abnormal-looking breasts. 

Saline implants also use a smaller incision in the breast fold than the pre-filled silicone breast implants.

The Bottom Line

Whether you opt for saline or silicone implants, it’s best to discuss your expectations with your plastic surgeon during your consultation. This way, along with their medical advice, you can make the best selection for your body.

Breast Augmentation Guide CTA

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