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The Male Facelift


Posted January 21, 2022 in Facelift

male chin lift

It used to be that women were the main constituents of the facelifts, but that’s no longer the case as more men opt for the age-reversing procedure. Sure, male celebrities have always been hush-hush about going under the knife and electing to get a facelift. Still, the average man hasn’t been as willing to jump headfirst into the plastic surgery pool–until now. 

While many men believe that opting for a facelift is a sign of vanity, it’s really not and is quite the opposite. As the male community begins to comfortably explore more non-invasive treatments like Botox, fillers, and even lasers, as they age, they become more comfortable with the idea of a facelift. 

Who Is the Ideal Male Candidate for a Facelift?

Most men who seek out a facelift have more concerns about the neck than they do the face. The ideal male candidate has jowling and heaviness in the lower face and excess skin on the neck. He is also in good health. 

It’s also essential for your plastic surgeon to communicate what is realistic in terms of the results and manage expectations. Most men want the most natural result possible, and sometimes that means not chasing away every line and wrinkle and square inch of laxity. Remember, the procedure does not address skin tone or pigment, so if there are skin-related issues, like sun damage, for example, a different treatment may be necessary.

Male Facelift Procedure Details

A facelift is a surgical procedure that precisely targets muscle, fat, tissue, and redundant skin. The end goal is to create natural-looking results while still retaining your features and making you look like you. 

The lower face and neck are the two main areas addressed during the procedure. Sometimes, other surgeries are added on, like liposuction to get rid of extra fat or blepharoplasty to address aging eyes. But for the most part, most men desire a smoother jawline and want to eliminate the look of a turkey neck. 

To achieve a natural result and avoid a tight, waxy, pulled, or feminized look, it’s crucial for the skin and tissue to be repositioned so that the face looks natural. In addition, the incisions must be hidden around the ears and in the hairline with tension-free closures. The sideburns are also essential to consider so that scarring does not disrupt the growth pattern. 

What About Scars

One of the biggest concerns with men and facelifts is where the scars will be placed and what they will look like. For the scars to blend into the skin, it’s best for there to be ample hair so that the scars can be well hidden. 

Because of the thickness of the skin in males versus females, the incisions need to be placed a little differently. As a result, facelift scars will be present in front of and behind the ears and hairline. Once the incisions are fully healed, they should appear as thin, white lines that are barely noticeable. 

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