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What to Know About Breast Enlargement Surgery


Posted January 21, 2022 in Breast Augmentation

Breast Enlargement Surgery Model

It’s no secret that many women feel self-conscious about their breasts. Small breasts that lack shape can be difficult for some women to accept while others fully embrace them. The only way to permanently increase the size of your breasts for the long term is with a breast augmentation or breast enlargement surgery.  

Breast enlargement surgery is a surgical procedure that uses breast implants to increase the size of a woman’s breasts. Even though the procedure is safe, there’s plenty to know before signing up for it. Here’s everything you need to know before deciding to go through with the surgery.

Breast Enlargement Surgery can do more than just increase the size of your breasts.

Sure, a bump in size is the leading reason most women opt for the procedure, but it can also restore shape to the breasts after pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss. Breast augmentation is a reliable way to create symmetry between the breasts, too.

There are options in terms of which type of implant you choose.

Not every patient wants the same result, which is why you can select between saline and silicone implants with the help of your surgeon. Silicone gel implants are more popular these days, but some patients like the idea of using saline, a water-based filler, in their implants. If a saline implant ruptures, the solution will be absorbed and then expelled by the body. However, these implants tend not to feel as natural as silicone ones.

Fat is another option, which involves liposuctioning fat from an area where it is excessive, cleaning it, and then injecting it into the breasts.

You can choose between different incision locations, which dictates the scar.

Depending on which option best suits your body, the incisions can be made under the breast fold, in the armpit, or through the belly button. The implant type and anatomy of your body, as well as your surgeon’s preference, will factor into the kind of incision used.

From there, the implant is placed either in front of or behind the muscle. Going under the muscle requires a longer recovery but a more natural look while placing the implant over the muscle makes for an easier recovery and shorter surgery.

It can take a few weeks for your breasts to drop.

Immediately after surgery, your breasts will be larger, but what you see will not be their final shape. Instead, they may appear square-like and sit very high on the chest. As the implants adapt and the tissue and muscle relax, they will begin to drop and take their final shape in the weeks following your breast enlargement surgery. 

There’s always the chance of risks.

Like all elective procedures, there is always the potential for risks, so it’s essential to be fully aware of them. Make sure your surgeon explains all of the potential dangers, including implant ruptures and leaks, infections, post-procedure pain, implant illness possibilities, scar tissue formation, and the potential for revision procedures.

Breast Augmentation Guide CTA

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