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The PSC Atlanta Guide to Mommy Makeover Surgery Recovery


Posted December 21, 2021 in Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover Surgery Recovery PSC Atlanta

One of the most rewarding cosmetic surgeries is the ever-popular mommy makeover simply because it allows women to feel like themselves again and regain their bodies. Unfortunately, the body sometimes doesn’t return to its pre-baby shape after pregnancy. For this reason, many women opt for a mommy makeover, which includes breast surgery (either a breast augmentation or a breast lift with breast augmentation) and a tummy tuck.

For all the procedure’s benefits, it’s essential to understand what happens and what to expect during the recovery process. 


To make your life easier and your recovery go smoothly, it’s best to prep in advance for everything you’ll need and want once you come home from your Mommy Makeover. Take time in the weeks leading up to the procedure to gather all the incidentals necessary for a successful recovery. That includes:

  • Setting up a particular space in your home where you will recover.
  • Filling all prescriptions before your surgery 
  • Meal prep as much as possible with healthy food options (also, grocery shop a day or two beforehand)
  • Have extra pillows and blankets on hand
  • Make sure to have clean zip up sweatshirts and loose-fitting clothes on hand
  • Arrange for extra help around the house, especially if you have young children


Upon awakening from the procedure, you’ll be wearing a post-surgical bra and a compression garment around your abdomen. Your plastic surgeon may also place drains to help collect any fluid, limiting swelling. 

You’ll be swollen and bruised and probably pretty numb. Over the coming weeks and months, this will subside, and your scars will start to fade too. The best thing you can do is follow your surgeon’s instructions and not try to rush how the body naturally heals. Remember, most discomfort, swelling, and bruising happen in the first 72 hours after surgery.


Dr. Brothers will give you a lengthy list of instructions, complete with dos and don’ts. Here are a few things you’ll want to avoid at all costs:

  • Don’t lift your arms overhead
  • Don’t smoke, drink or take recreational drugs. If your doctor prescribes pain medication, take it as instructed.
  • Don’t ignore something that feels or looks off, which requires your surgeon’s attention.
  • Don’t eat salty foods, which can cause you to retain more water. Instead, high-protein, low-fat meals are best.


For the most part, expect to be out of commission for about two weeks. After that, depending on the details of your procedure, dictate how long it will take to heal fully. 

The first few days are the most intense, but it improves and gradually gets better every day. For the first three days or so, moving around will be difficult, so make sure you have help at home. You may also want to purchase a walker, making walking easier. It’s essential to walk around every few hours to keep the blood flowing, which will help prevent any clotting. 

By week two, you can start to resume your everyday activities slowly. Around week six, you may be cleared to go back to the gym, but all workouts should be light, and your surgeon will advise not to do any chest or overhead arm work.

The full results of your Mommy Makeover will take time, but by the end of the first month, you will be able to see a noticeable difference that will continue to improve over the next few months. 

Mommy Makeover Guide CTA

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