Posted December 13, 2021 in Tummy Tuck
Abdominoplasty, a.k.a. a tummy tuck, is one of the most commonly performed body shaping procedures. This corrective surgery addresses multiple issues, including lax muscles that have separated, misshapen belly buttons, and loose skin. So, of course, it’s only natural to have questions about the procedure–and that’s a good thing! No patient should ever go into any elective cosmetic procedure without their plastic surgeon fully answering questions.
Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about abdominoplasty. But if there’s still something you want to know, it’s always best to ask your plastic surgeon during your consultation so that you’re fully equipped with all the information necessary to ensure a successful outcome.
1. How much skin will be removed?
Every patient has different needs, so skin removal is different from one patient to the next. In the end, it’s all about creating a flatter, tighter tummy, and to achieve that, anywhere from a minimal amount of skin to a lot of skin may require excision.
2. Do I have to get liposuction with an abdominoplasty?
No, you do not. No hard and fast rule requires you to have liposuction with a tummy tuck, but most patients choose to combine both surgeries into a single procedure. During your consultation, Dr. Brothers will discuss your options and achieve a specific plan to address your goals. However, many patients prefer to remove extra fat in the stomach and hips with liposuction for a more streamlined and contoured figure.
3. How long is the recovery period, and do I need extra help?
Abdominoplasty recovery takes anywhere from 7 to 14 days, depending on the extent of the surgery and if your surgeon performed additional procedures. Since you’ll need to give your body plenty of time to recover, and daily chores and activities will be difficult if not impossible to perform while recovering, it’s best to arrange for extra help around the house and with your children and pets.
If you have drains in place after the surgery, you’ll probably need assistance (especially for the first few days) emptying them every few hours.
4. If I gain weight after my procedure, will it ruin my results?
Most likely, any weight gain will not affect your results as long as the weight gain is minimal. However, gaining more than 10 pounds or so can potentially impact your results since your body may redistribute the additional weight in such a way that the stomach may not appear as flat or tight. For this reason, it’s best to be as close to your ideal weight as possible before surgery. In addition, a healthy, clean diet and regular exercise are essential to maintaining your weight.
5. How soon after surgery will I be able to see my results?
Immediately following the procedure, you will likely be swollen, so your final shape may not be evident, but you will be able to notice tighter skin. The final result should be noticeable in about eight weeks.
6. I’ve heard that I’ll need to wear a compression garment after the surgery. How long do I need to wear it?
Wearing a compression garment following your surgery is essential for several reasons. Compression garments help reduce swelling and fluid buildup and support the abdomen, which is critical as it heals. The longer you wear the garment, the better. Expect to wear it for up to six weeks maximum or as instructed by your surgeon.
7. What will my scar look like?
An abdominoplasty scar runs from hip to hip. Right after surgery and during the healing process, the scar will be thick and red. However, as the scar matures, it will begin to flatten out. It can take one to two years to turn into a faint white scar.