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Posted March 27, 2013 in Blog, Liposuction

Even folks who are fit and healthy sometimes have stubborn areas of fat that just can’t be exercised away or reduced through a healthy diet. Liposuction can help eliminate those stubborn fat deposits. During the procedure, excess fat is suctioned out through small incisions; depending on the areas being treated, the surgery itself usually takes only an hour or two.

Although this procedure is often described as minimally invasive, it is in fact real surgery and recovery after liposuction takes some time. You’ll need to allow ample time for the incisions to heal and for your body to recuperate from the effects of the procedure. You’ll notice some swelling and bruising after your liposuction, and it can take several weeks for each to disappear. You may find that pain medication is helpful, especially in the first couple of days after surgery.

Even if you start to feel almost like your old self within days, though, you’ll need to take it easy for a little while longer. You may be tempted to jump right back into your old exercise routine or to hit the town with friends right away, but giving your body time to recover before you resume regular activity after liposuction will ensure that you heal properly and get the best possible results. It’s also important to wear the compression garment that you’ll receive when you go home after your surgery. Doing so will not only reduce post-surgical swelling, but also will help your scars heal more smoothly, so your results look even better in the long run.

Patients who have had liposuction can often return to work in about a week, although your occupation should be taken into consideration when deciding when to return. If your work is more physically demanding, you might want to take off a few more days than someone with a more sedentary job, for example. You also might want to ask for a little more help around the house during the first week or two after surgery—this is not the time to decide to rearrange your living room! Doing too much too soon can prolong the residual soreness and swelling, so you’ll do yourself a favor by relaxing and recuperating after having liposuction.

Of course, the extent of liposuction is also a factor in the length of your recovery. If you had liposuction on several areas of your body at once, had a greater amount of fat removed, or if the procedure was done in combination with other body contouring surgeries, your recovery will take longer than if you only had the procedure in a limited area.

You will receive specific instructions for your post-operative care. By following our advice and giving yourself proper time to recover, you’ll help ensure the easiest possible recovery and beautiful liposuction results.

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5673 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30342

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5673 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30342

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