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Which Breast Implant Brand Is Best for You?


Posted June 15, 2020 in Breast Augmentation

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If you are considering undergoing breast augmentation surgery, there are several important decisions you and your surgeon will need to make. Key among them is deciding which implant is best for you.

Woman touching a breast implant during her breast augmentation consultation.

Different brands manufacture breast implants (both silicone and saline) in different sizes and shapes. Two of the major implant manufacturers include Mentor® and Allergan™. Dr. Brothers offers both Allergan™ and Mentor® implants for your breast enhancement.

It is crucial to note that both Allergan™ and Mentor® are FDA-approved brands that adhere to the highest standards of safety in manufacturing, testing, and clinical trials. These implants offer the benefits of more cohesive gel materials, including less folding and rippling, lower risk of rupture or leakage, fewer instances of capsular contracture, and greater projection, giving natural-looking results.

What Are Allergan™ Breast Implants?

Allergan™ is a significant brand with a credible history, being the manufacturer of BOTOX® Cosmetic and JUVÉDERM®. Allergan™ offers the most diverse breast implant products with its popular line, known as Natrelle INSPIRA™ silicone gel implants. These implants offer a great variety of round, anatomical-shaped, smooth, and textured options. Allergan™ offers five different projections levels ranging from low to extra-high profiles (width of the base compared to the height and projection of the implant) and offers many different volumes.

Allergan™ BIOCELL® textured breast implants were recalled in 2019 due to concerns that the implants were associated with a rare type of lymphoma known as anaplastic large cell lymphoma. However, there is no need to panic since this condition is rare and very treatable when found early.

What Are Mentor® Breast Implants?

Mentor® is well-known in the world of breast implants and is owned by the respectable Johnson and Johnson company. They offer saline and silicone implants that vary by implant density, profile, shape, and texture to help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals.

The most commonly used saline implant is a round, smooth implant with three different profiles: moderate, moderate plus, and high profile. Mentor® shaped breast implants (anatomic or “teardrop”) are available in two different implant profiles: high profile and moderate profile. Moderate implants tend to look a bit more natural than the higher-profile counterparts, which can start to bump out, revealing the implant’s edge.

Are Mentor® or Allergan™ Implants Better?

Ultimately, the implant that will be used as well is primarily dependent on the patient’s desires and anatomy. During your consultation with Dr. Brothers, he will guide you through these choices and help you achieve optimal breast augmentation for your individual needs.

Interested in Learning More?

Contact Plastic Surgery Centre of Atlanta today at (404) 257-9888 to book your consultation and learn more about Allergan™ and Mentor® breast implants. You can also fill out our online contact form.

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